Severity:-Define Impact of bug or describe the bug in terms of functionality [Low,Medium,High,Critical]
Priority:- Importance of a bug to fix it or describe the bug in terms of customer.[Low,Medium,High]
High Severity(HS) & Low Priority(LP) :-
- A application which generates some banking related reports weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly by doing some calculation.If there is a error while calculating yearly reports it is HS but LP because this request can be change or fixed in next release.
- If we have typical scenario in which the application get crashed but the scenario exists rarely.
Low Severity & High Priority :-
- If the company logo is not displaying properly on the front page.
- There is a misspell in the URL like instead of google it displayed as gogle.
High Severity & High Priority :-
- Suppose you are doing online shopping and filled payment information but after submitting the form you get message like "order has been canceled" .
- A bug which is show stopper due to we are unable to proceed our testing.
- No error message to prevent wrong operation.
Low Severity & Low Priority :-
- There is a mistake like you have registered success instead successfully.
- Error message having complex meaning.
- Cosmetic Bugs.