|-- default.cfg - MDRV configuration file; it is needed only for LoadRunner/BAC execution, not for QTP
|-- default.usp - MDRV run-logic; it is needed only for LoadRunner/BAC execution, not for QTP
|-- Default.xls - Default DataTable
|-- lock.lck - Test lock file (removed when Test is closed)
|-- Parameters.mtr - Parameterization information
|-- Test.tsp - Main document storage (settings) of the Test
|-- Action Folder
|-- ObjectRepository.bdb - The Local Action repository DB file
|-- Resource.mtr - Main document storage of the Action
|-- Script.mts - Action script
|-- SnapShots Folder - Contains Active Screen snapshot files
The following files, if they exist, are obsolete and not created by QuickTest Professional (QTP) 9.x. If you see them, the test was probably originally created by an older version of QTP: